2010 Science Bee FAQ

What is the North South Foundation (NSF) Science Bee?

What is the importance of Science?

Why are the Science Bee contests being called Pilot?

Why are the registration fees for Science Bee Pilot the same as for the other more mature contests?

Who can participate in the NSF Science Bee contest?

Can a Junior Science Bee contestant also participate in the Senior Science Bee?

Can a child in Kindergarten (KG) participate in the Junior Science Bee?

How can I register for the NSF Science Bee contest?

How can my children prepare for the NSF Science Bee contest?

Will the NSF Science Bee be conducted at all centers where spelling bees are conducted?

What is the North South Foundation (NSF) Science Bee?
The NSF Science Bee is intended as an opportunity for elementary and middle school children to study Science and become more aware of the importance of Science in day-to-day events.


What is the importance of Science?
It is unthinkable to imagine a world without science and technology. Science and technology are one of the core tenets of human advancement. Our quality of life and our day to day comforts are all results of application of science and technology. Medical advances are saving lives daily; space scientists have put man on moon; Internet and computers have revolutionized the way we access and consume information - the list is endless.

NSF Science Bee intends to ignite the young minds to explore the fascinating world of Science and Technology. Preparing for the Science Bee itself will take you on a journey of discovery and kindle interest in various branches of science. After all, the journey is more important than the destination.


Why are the Science Bee contests being called Pilot?
The NSF Science Bee is a brand new product for 2010. A pilot project refers to an initial roll out of a product into production, targeting a limited scope of the intended final audience [def: Wikipedia]. This contest is expected to evolve in terms of content and format based on the feedback received from children, parents and volunteers during the pilot phase. Also, NSF will not be conducting National Finals for the Science Bee during 2010.


Why are the registration fees for Science Bee Pilot the same as for the other more mature contests?
Although Science Bee is a pilot this year, the cost of running the contest is the same as other contests. Also 2/3rd of the fee is considered as donation by the parents to NSF. Thus the parents are helping the most deserving poor students going to college in India.


Who can participate in the NSF Science Bee contest?
See the section on the Science Contest Rules.


Can a Junior Science Bee contestant also participate in the Senior Science Bee?
No, a participant can only participate in one Science Bee and in one Regional center only.


Can a child in Kindergarten (KG) participate in the Junior Science Bee?
Yes. A child in KG is allowed to participate in Junior Science Bee, on an equal basis without any special privileges or concessions. Parents should bring young children into the contest with the primary aim of getting them familiar with the Bee.


How can I register for the NSF Science Bee contest?
Online registration via NSF homepage is generally available, starting January. You can also refer to the NSF Contest Calendar or ask your Regional Coordinator about registration deadlines and contest dates.


How can my children prepare for the NSF Science Bee contest?
See the section on Science Contest Preparation.


Will the NSF Science Bee be conducted at all centers where spelling bees are conducted?
NSF Senior Science Bee is available to be offered at all chapters. The local chapter can choose to offer this Bee or decide against it. Please consult your Chapter Coordinator for the specific contests being offered in your location.
