Welcome to the NorthSouth Foundation family. We like to make this a positive experience for you.
Your feedback is always welcome to make the NorthSouth website more user-friendly.
Please read the following carefully before you begin registration.
Do not skip and proceed to the next step.
Retype User Email Address :
**Enter Email Address you use routinely. NorthSouth uses this to communicate with you.
Password must contain the following:
A lowercase letter
A capital (uppercase) letter
A number
A special character($@@!#%&^_*^().=+)
Minimum 8 characters
ReType Password :
Password and ReType password didn't match.
**Password must be of minimum 8 characters long and contain a combination of: uppercase letter, lower case letter,numeric value and special character.
NorthSouth Chapter :
1. If you get stuck or get an error message, please send an email to support@northsouth.org
providing your full name, chapter, your address and phone number where you can be contacted.
2. Please do not use this New User Login process, if you have been a donor to NorthSouth in the past or
your child had participated in the contests in the last three years. In such a case, your record already
exists in our system and you should login as a regular user. If you have a doubt, please send an email
to support@northsouth.org with your full details (providing your full name, chapter, your address and
phone number where you can be contacted) and NorthSouth will confirm the existence of your record.
3. Registration for the contests is processed online including payment through a credit card.
As part of the registration, you need to provide information on both parents as well as each child
participating in the contest(s). Please enter data in all fields.
4. NorthSouth offers a variety of contests including spelling, vocabulary, math, geography,
essay writing and public speaking. Based on the availability of resources and participation,
your chapter decides on a particular array of contests to be offered in your center.
If your chapter does not offer a particular contest, but it is, however, offered in a neighboring
center, you may be able to avail the opportunity by registering in the neighboring center.
Caution: Some chapters are put into a cluster if they are in a driving distance.
If you belong to a cluster, the system will show you all chapters where you can register.
Please read the chapter names and select the precise location where you want your child to
participate. Otherwise you will get stuck with the wrong location